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What is the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission?

When the U.S. stock market crashed in October 1929, securities issued by numerous companies became worthless. As an...

Leveraged Buyouts: Utilizing Debt to Acquire Interest in a Company

The first leveraged buyouts started in early 1980s with high yield bonds invented by Michael Milken (commonly called...

Rule of 72: Doubling Your Investment with Compound Interest

When investing in the stock market, The Rule of 72 can be a helpful tool to give you an idea of how long it will take...

Portfolio Rebalancing: Reduce Volatility in your Portfolio

Many investors prefer to invest more aggressively at younger ages and more conservatively as they approach retirement...

Margin Accounts: Potential for Higher Returns, but Greater Risks

Cash accounts are the default type of accounts at brokerage firms. They require that all purchases of securities be...

Margin Call: What They Are, How They’re Triggered & How to Avoid Them

Cash accounts are the default type of accounts at brokerage firms. They require that all purchases of securities be...

How to Calculate IRR and How it Compares to ROI

Across all types of investments, return on investment (ROI) is more common than internal rate of return (IRR), largely...

Dollar Cost Averaging: What It Is & How It Works

Dollar-cost averaging, or DCA, is an investment strategy that tries to minimize your risks by making multiple purchases...

Inflation: Definition, Types, Causes, Benefits

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is used to determine the rate of growth of consumer prices, better known as inflation....