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Plagues: Effect on the Economy and Inequality

Following up on The Black Death: A Pandemic Along the Silk Road, this week we’ll how pandemics affect the economy by...

The Black Death: A Pandemic Along the Silk Road

Following up on Food Economy: Historic Famines Across China, India, Ireland, Russia and the Ukraine, this week we’ll...

Food Economy: Historic Famines Across China, India, Ireland, Russia and the Ukraine

Following up on Chinese Economy: A Brief History of Agriculture & Irrigation, this week we’ll discuss 10 historic...

Chinese Economy: A Brief History of Agriculture & Irrigation

Following up on Chinese Economy: Silk Industry, this week we’ll discuss the Chinese Economy from the standpoint of...

Chinese Economy: Silk Industry

Following up on Chinese Economy: Iron Industry, this week we’ll discuss the Chinese Economy from the standpoint of its...

Chinese Economy: Iron Industry

Following up on Chinese Economy: The Introduction of Paper Money, this week we’ll discuss the Chinese Economy from the...

Chinese Economy: The Introduction of Paper Money

Following up on World Systems Theory: Core, Periphery, Semi-Periphery, this week we’ll discuss the Chinese Economy from...