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World Systems Theory: Core, Periphery, Semi-Periphery

Following up on Capitalism: The Motive to Make a Profit, this week we’ll discuss World Systems Theory.which was...

Capitalism: The Motive to Make a Profit

Following up on Commodities Trading 101: Investing in Silver, Gold or Water, this week we’ll discuss capitalism which...

Commodities Trading 101: Investing in Silver, Gold or Water

Following up on What Is the Average Return of the US Stock Market?, this week post is a compilation of past articles on...

What Is the Average Return of the US Stock Market?

Following up on Long Term Investing: Buy & Hold Regardless of Short Term Fluctuations, this week we’ll discuss the US...

Long Term Investing Buy & Hold Regardless of Short Term Fluctuations

Following up on Stock Market Indexes 101: Tracking Public Companies, this week we’ll discuss long term investing, a buy...

Stock Market Indexes 101: Tracking Public Companies

According to the Library of Congress, in 1884 the first Index was created. It was originally known as the Dow Jones...

Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Way to Beat Market Returns?

Following up on 4 Notable Market Bubbles in History, this week we’ll discuss the efficient market hypothesis (EMH)....

4 Notable Economic Market Bubbles in History

Following up on What Are Fractional Shares, this week we’ll discuss market bubbles and review four economic bubbles in...

What Are Fractional Shares?

Following up on Investing in Index Funds, this week we’ll discuss fractional shares, which is essentially holding a...

Investing in Index Funds

Following up on Shorting a Stock: What Does It Mean?, this week we’ll discuss investing in index funds, a passive...

Blog Author
Lawrence Jean-Louis

Lawrence Jean-Louis